The SambaJig team, Kate & Pablo, saw the innovative and refreshing CyberTrad music project last week 11/21 at Carroll Cafe in Takoma Park, DC. The show was a musical exploration on combining traditional styles of Irish and Breton music with hip hop, Quebecois, and funk. The combination of different styles, old and new, analog to digital is a most interesting topic for us. CyberTrad is a refreshing demonstration of how thoughtful rhythmic collaborations can take place across genres and cultures. The performers explored the differences between their styles through the common language of rhythm, and they remained sensitive to each other’s traditional forms while, at the same time, daring to innovate on those traditions.
The ensemble is led by Matthew Olwell on several different types of flute and percussive dance, and features Shodekeh Talifero on beatbox, and Aimee Curl on vocals and standup bass. We were excited to learn that the the show was one of several performances CyberTrad have before recording a CyberTrad album, which should be out in 2016.